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Citizenship in peril!

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Citizenship in peril! Empty Citizenship in peril!

Post by Clear-headed Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:29 am

All societies are not stationary;all there elements are in dynamism and therefore every community,family and every singal citizen are exposed to those changes.
In fact, we have seen over the last decades,many new and serious phenomena emerging in our society which, most or at least many of them, have a negative impacts on the spirit of citizenship amongst the older generations,not to mention the situation among the younger.

Let us put this issue in focus.
In your mind,what does the spirit of citizenship mean?What are the causes that drived us to this dramatic situation?What are the consequences and the solutions?...etc.(feel free to raise more questions)

PS. Since the first day I singed up,I have been itching to open a new discussion topic, for I believe that the serious matters category is an exellent field where we can all share information,do some researches and on top, improve the writing skills.Thus,what matters most is our contributions regardless the level we have.Please,be positive,be effective and all together let make our forum alive again.Citizenship in peril! Icon_smile

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Citizenship in peril! Empty Re: Citizenship in peril!

Post by w_ch Sun Oct 04, 2009 11:42 pm

Hello mates...

I'm gald to see this category alive again and that thanks to clear-headed.
As already mentioned,some of the newly emerged phenomena have negativley effected on the way people in our community treat each other. The notion of "self-intrest" has dominated all of our thoughts lately. No body cares wether his/her neighbour had anything to eat or not.Therefore, the gap between the haves and the haves not is getting larger. The poor develop a deffensive attitude towards the rich and that may end up very badly. On the other hand, The haves keep on persecuting anybody who may stand in their way. When I say the rich, I mean everyone who has a certain power and prefer to misuse it. So,the bottom line is that "self-intrest" has a bad influence on the spirit of citizenship.

PS: Sorry if I devited from the main topic,waiting for your posts to properly tackle this issue. Thank you.

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Citizenship in peril! Empty Re: Citizenship in peril!

Post by Ezinma Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:26 am

Hi all,

I’ve got to be honest, the topic is wonderful. Thanks Clear-headed and W_ch. And I'm sorry for the late reply!
I agree strongly with you w_ch, self-interest is one of the aspects that is deteriorating the spirit of citizenship nowadays, and drawing it to peril. " me, myself ! or just me and my family, or just me first like during the time of Thatcher". For me the spirit of citizenship is the belief as a citizen of a community of your duties as well as your rights. Not only taking but also giving and helping in the making of our society. We have as citizens our rights and nobody can deny it, but also, and here’s the rub, what are we doing to make our lives better ? I guess, It’s not only in keeping you city clean, you can keep your country clean, thinking that’s your duty. And as Armah portrays, the waste container will be overflowing and remains for ages without being emptied ! We are lucky if we find it in its place, it may be stolen to be used individually !!!

One can see even within a small family, how its members are close, helping, loving and caring not only about their rights as members, but also of their duties towards thier parents, brothers and sisters. I don’t imagine that a family member can spit in the house, so why some do that in buses ? I don’t think that one can eat his brother’s or sister’s share of the cake, but some people still think of a way to get into their neighbours' property and steal. I don’t dare to touch my mum’s plants, I’m even obliged to water them. And I feel sorry to see little children damaging "baby trees", and see others treading on the newly planted turf !

I don’t know, but as I’ve seen, people think—when talking about the spirit of citizenship, only about being a devout lover of one’s country, hanging it’s flag in their yards or the picture of the president. I don’t see it this way, cause it’s quite easy to negelct your duties, because their is no discipline. Why drivers care about their speed and others things? Aren't the rules more strict and tough now? Who can endure 12 months of prison for talking on the phone while driving?

The solution, if I can say, perhaps resides in the way we perceive ourselves as human beings, living together in a lovely place as Algeria. Whether we consider Algeria as a dystopia, or as a virtopia, I hope things get better !

I hope I'm not out of topic, I'm just having some extra-nationalism! Citizenship in peril! Icon_smile

Number of posts : 491
Registration date : 2009-02-25

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Citizenship in peril! Empty Re: Citizenship in peril!

Post by Guest Mon Oct 05, 2009 8:41 pm

thank you clear-headed,also w-ch and Ezinma.actually it is a serious matter when everyone thinks a lot about himself and forget the persons around him, I just wanna say that I see this everyday even between my brothers and sisters in our house, but mates you cannot say that there's no good behaviors and some citizenship between us, I can absolutly say that the prophet(p.b.u.h) is still living between us.and I have an attitude in this, just yesterdaymy brother come and said let a bread for friend, dadasked him why? "his life conditions are so bad", he replied, then dad gave him money to give it to his friend and asked him to remember him all the time so to help him. imagin, a familly don't have what to eat for the day, those who tell us about them the prophet(p.b.u.h)"the poors".Just be optimistic guys, the prophet said:"djeto liotamima makarim alakhlak".
I think I'm out,no?


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Citizenship in peril! Empty Re: Citizenship in peril!

Post by Ezinma Mon Oct 05, 2009 9:16 pm

Hi again,

Thanks Angeleyes, you're not out of topic I assure you!
You're absolutly right Angle, talking only about the negative aspects that are predominating our society unfortunately is also negative. I agree that good behaviour exists, and I so happy reading how your little brother cares about his friend. At the same time no one can deny that the situation is getting worse and citizenship is getting to peril. That's why I guess our mate Clear-headed put the issue at stake, to discuss and draw resolutions to what we percieve as problems damaging the spirit of citizenship and brotherhood.

Peace and blessings be upon our dear Prophet. We thank Allah for being muslims and for having both the Qu'ran and the Sunah to guide us.

May Allah bless all of you!

Number of posts : 491
Registration date : 2009-02-25

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Citizenship in peril! Empty Re: Citizenship in peril!

Post by w_ch Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:10 pm

Hello mates...
Thank you Ezinma,angeleyes for the valuable posts of yours.I hope the next generation is gonna be much better than ours.

Time change,and so do poeple. Humans have been trying to adopt themselves with this world.Therefore,many changes occured since Adam(PBUH) made his first steps on earth. Thanks to many invetions and discoveries, the standard of our life conditions have been bettered very much.This high tec. that we enjoy nowdays made our life easy and complex.However, It's a kind of "a double edged sword".I think the high tec. had a bad impact on the spirit of citezenship.TV for instance set the whole familly apart.People in one familly are not communicating with each other.We can't even see that at dinner table since everybody dinnes alone and in seprate times.Outside the house is another catastrophe.Everybody is running,holding thier phones and making endless conversations through them.If they are not doing so, they'll surely be behind their desks talking to someone through the company's PHONE Or even surffing on the net.Hence,There's not much time to make a SIMPLE, one-on-one conversation. If you ask me,Communication strengthens the spirit of citizenship,but we don't have that now "thanks" to The high tec.

Number of posts : 437
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Citizenship in peril! Empty Re: Citizenship in peril!

Post by Clear-headed Wed Oct 07, 2009 1:33 am

Thank you Ezinma,w_ch and angeleyes for your valuable contributions.You are really great!

In the sixties of the last century, many of the Arabic and islamic states adopted the communist ideology. And there were many authers and ideologists who wrote about this ideology from an islamic stand point; they wrote about the 'communism in islam', 'the communism ideology of the profet Mohammed(PBUH),'Zakat as a commusist principle','Islam and the labour forces alliances(There is no difference between an Arabic and a foreigner but the piety)' and they interpreted this differnce as the love and the belonging to your country and state as well as your adherence to the communist ideology.
This era passed away and the USSR collapsed.Then the USA took the lead of the world and presented,or bound, its ideology under the banner 'who does not belong to our camp is our enemy'.Here it is a new era where a new ideology has emerged, it is the so-called the 'Globalization'.It has came to life with a chain of 'western' beliefs and ideas. And one of those beliefs is 'citizenship'; an absolutely essential link in that chain which can not be applied nor understood fully and wholy only through a blend of notions such as democracy, liberalism, civil state, pluralism, nationalism and many other western concepts.
Nowdays, the term of 'citizenship'is heard very frequently from our politicians and the pro-secularism, globalization. And that is not a surprise even if they claimed that those concepts are not at odds with islam or Islam does applies them. But the incredibly astonishing thing is that some islamic scholors offered themselves to prove that this notion-citizenship-is an islamic principle and goes hand in hand with the islamic teachings.
Even more astonishing, the same scenario is repeating itself as in the sixties with the communism.There are many who wrote about 'The citizenship in Islam','The citizenship with the prophet Mohammad(PBUH)','The citizenship is an Islamic principle'...and others used some verses from koran and misinterpreted it deliberately to use them as proof.
Let us understand what citizenship means in the western states and see whether or not it can be adopted by our societies.

To be continued.

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Citizenship in peril! Empty Re: Citizenship in peril!

Post by Clear-headed Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:13 am

Hello again,

Citiwenship is defined:"Citizenship is a social relationship between a natural person and a political society(state).Through this relationship,the first party leadge the other party's allegiance and the second party ensures the protection to the fisrt party. This relationship is established between a person and a state by the equal rights."This modern concept of citizenship is created through a very complicated development process in the socio-political realm in Europe during the 19th century; the Europeans shifted from the divine sacred right to the citizen rights, for the curch iron fist gave away in favour of the state authority. Hence, the belonging to a civil and political society, which is based on the rational ruling, took over from the religious and racial belongings. As one of the western political systeme, the citizenship is consisted of many elements:
1-Replacing the divine cult by the state cult.
2-Tip the balance in favour of the state allegiance over any kind of allegiance.
3-Replacing the religious links by the link of nationalism.
4-Separating the politics from religion.
5-Giving the religious presence a proportional and a subjective aspect.
6-Refusing all the religious values in the process of building a state or planing its policy.
7-Spreading the religious tolirance and the freedom of belief as long as it's no influance on politics.
8-Freedom is the upper value over all other values including the freedom to abjure.
9-Stressing the independency of the individual.
10-Giving the reason the priority over the theology.

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Citizenship in peril! Empty Re: Citizenship in peril!

Post by Guest Fri Oct 16, 2009 3:16 am

Really nice clear-headed , and what I really like is your English...carry on plz


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Citizenship in peril! Empty Re: Citizenship in peril!

Post by w_ch Sat Oct 17, 2009 9:13 pm

Thank you Clear-headed...I like the deffenition you gave at the begining;it's very convincing. I think it's pretty much clear now what's citizenship and its effect on us.

Number of posts : 437
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Citizenship in peril! Empty Re: Citizenship in peril!

Post by Nounette Sat Oct 17, 2009 10:21 pm

Oh Thank You Very Much Clear_Headed !! Really That What I Need For My Paragraph Of English !! Thank You Very Much Friend !! Rabi Ya7afedak !!

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Citizenship in peril! Empty Re: Citizenship in peril!

Post by Ezinma Sat Oct 17, 2009 11:10 pm


There's a book entitled الحلول المستوردة وكيف جنت على أمتنا by يوسف القرضاوي
I really wish that everybody can read it, a great book. The concept of citizenship if viewed simply as loving and caring about one's country or having a sense of loyalty towards one's community is not really a problem esp. that as Muslims we are ordained to do that. However, it may imply nationalism, jingoism or extreme patriotism, then this is purely western and as you said :"can not (citizenship) be applied nor understood fully and wholy only through a blend of notions such as democracy, liberalism, civil state, pluralism, nationalism and many other western concepts".

The Doctor Alkaradawi says in his conclusion: (lemme quote in Arabic)

لقد دخلنا حجر الغرب مرة فلدغتنا عقرب الليبيرالية ثم دخلناه مرة أخرى فلدغتنا أفعى الاشتراكية. ولو كنا مؤمنين حقا ما لدغنا من الحجر الواحد مرتين...

Can we adopt this concept to our sociaties esp that it's imported from a completely alien system (the democratic liberal capitalist system)... the answer I think we need to go back to our original system, the Islamic system and to our Prophet's (peace be upon Him) teachings on brotherhood..

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Citizenship in peril! Empty Re: Citizenship in peril!

Post by Guest Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:15 pm

Thanks a lot Ezinma for your post...and for the title of the book,I'll try to read it.


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Citizenship in peril! Empty Re: Citizenship in peril!

Post by Hush Sat Oct 24, 2009 12:13 am

We have simply to stop eating those fast-food and the ready-made concepts brought for the west. Our societies are no cities to look for citizenship!

Have you had a look on the kids syllabus? It's all about how to be a good citizen!!! To teach a kid ate the age of 7 about the municipality and about the administrative procedures!!! Gimme a break!

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Citizenship in peril! Empty Re: Citizenship in peril!

Post by Clear-headed Sat Oct 24, 2009 1:19 pm

Thank you all for your posts.
Now, I see eye to eye with you Ezinma,w_ch,angeleyes and Hush.

PS. Forgive me for being too late to comment 'cause I'm quite buzy these days.I'm trying to pull up the pipes to stay in contact.See you by-and-by.

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Citizenship in peril! Empty Re: Citizenship in peril!

Post by Chichidodo Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:55 pm

My definition of citizenship is: The making of a good sheep well fitted for the flock life.

Better be a free hungry wolf than a fat and well-off docile sheep.

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Citizenship in peril! Empty Re: Citizenship in peril!

Post by SUNSHINE Thu May 27, 2010 12:01 am

hi to all,

this topic is really interesting and I would like to know more about it. Could you please, mention something about our contribution in our communities-that is, the small contributions that each and every one of us gives on a daily basis. thanks Citizenship in peril! Icon_biggrin


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